How to Beat the 7 Most Common Real Estate Objections

Jun 20, 2022
5 min

卖方反对是潜在卖方提出的担忧, which could affect whether or not they work with you. 

It is a question, excuse, 或者是另一种形式的犹豫,因为他们没有足够的信息或担心你不能满足他们的需求. 

卖家的反对可能是你在试图转化潜在客户时可能面临的最大挑战. They could be very discouraging, especially for new agents. 

然而,假设你曾经希望在房地产行业建立成功的职业生涯. In that case, you must know what to say and do to make a seller feel welcome and willing to work with you.

7 Most Common Seller Objections


这篇文章将教你如何提供适当的保证,7个最常见的卖家反对. The first on our list is - high commissions.  

"Are you willing to lower your commission?"


Do not be deceived. The only answer to this question is a big and decisive "NO." While this response might seem a bit aggressive, 你不必为此担心,因为你只是在证明自己是一个有能力胜任这份工作的专业人士. 

你的主要目标是提供价值,你不能通过较低的定价来实现这一点. So, 除非你认为你的服务不值得你所提供的价格, your only answer to the objection should be "No. Do you have any other questions?"

"It's not really a good time" / "We're going to wait."

有些时候,上述说法是正确的,而市场对卖家来说是不好的. However, if the market is right for them, 你应该做的就是利用他们的动机来说服卖家. 他们叫你先卖掉他们的房子肯定是有原因的, and you must remind them of it. 

For instance, 如果他们想卖掉房子,这样他们就可以搬到另一个国家的亲戚那里去住, 你应该问他们如何在不出售的情况下搬家. 

If they reply by saying they would buy another house, 你应该问他们承担两笔抵押贷款的经济负担是否现实或明智.

If they reply by saying they would rent instead, you should ask if their move is temporary or permanent. 如果它是永久性的,为什么卖方愿意在自己的权益之上建立另一个人的权益呢? 

"I think I'm going to do For Sale By Owner (FSBO)."

'For Sale By Owner' is a common phrase every real estate agent will hear. 解决这个问题的一个方法是向卖方询问他们的绝对底线. 例如,你可以说,“通过出售FSBO,你冒着无法获得最高价格的风险. Are you aware of that?" 

Suppose they say it is a risk they are willing to take. In that case, 你应该让卖方知道,他们不仅会降价,而且还得给买方佣金. 

Ask - "Is it really worth it? 让10bet官网中文算一下这些数字,看看你到底省了多少钱."

Additionally, 许多愿意做FSBO的卖家认为这是一个相当简单的过程, which it is not. So, suppose the option above doesn't work. 

In that case, 你可以问他们是否知道他们需要采取的所有流程, how to draft up documents, handle all contingencies and protect themselves. Unfortunately, most times, they do not. 



当卖家对你说这句话的时候,你最不想做的就是咄咄逼人或过于有说服力. But, on the other hand, houses are usually the biggest assets many sellers own, 因此,如果他们在选择代理时小心谨慎,这是可以理解的. 

You could ask them, “什么事情会让你今天当场雇用我??" 


At this point, you should understand their need for time, let them know that you will be here, and are willing to show them you can provide value. 

"I'm looking for someone with more experience."

If you are a new agent, this is an objection you will go up against many times. 

你的回答可以是,“嗯,我通过了州的要求,得到了我的要求. 我已经接受了教育,并且与行业内的专业人士保持一致. 我每天都在不断学习,我身边有一群支持我的人. So what experience exactly are you looking for?"


你可以说,“嗯,至少在这个行业工作了五年的人不在你面前. But, I am here in front of you, ready, willing, and able to provide you with the best service, an excellent experience, and to accomplish your goals."

说完这句话后,你不应该急于求成或填补空白. 你已经完成了你的任务,现在,你应该坐下来,让沉默来完成繁重的工作. More often than not, this will produce desired results.    


 When you hear a seller say this, 你应该试着告诉他们每一件可能影响销售的事情. 你应该让他们看到市场决定销售,而不是你控制市场. 

你只需为客户解释它,并做你认为最有效的事情, such as staging the property, highlighting upgrades, and showing it well. 

这些都是你为了让他们拿到最高要价而做的事情, 但你不能保证他们会得到总价.

How to Talk to Your Client About Renovations and Updates


To convince them to make renovations, 你应该向他们指出房子的现有功能和升级版本之间的价格差异.  

让他们看到,一所新装修的房子,所有最新的型号将获得更高的价格, and there is nothing you can do about it. 

So if they want to sell at a particular price, 他们必须愿意进行升级,以吸引这个价格.

Final Thoughts on Dealing with Seller Objections 

在与卖家打交道时,总会有这样或那样的反对意见,而你的工作就是做到这一点 adequately prepared for it. 

你应该知道如何处理反对意见,并配合他们的精力, but most importantly, you should communicate with them. Do your best to earn their business, trust, and referrals.

TL;DR: 为了克服对房地产的异议,你必须确保你在寻找潜在客户. 让别人和你一起工作的最好方法是建立一种真诚的联系,直接而自信地回答他们的问题.

Jun 20, 2022
How To
5 min
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